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ZOMER |  dance & music theater
Plein Theater Amstedam

8.6.22, 9.6.22, 10.6.22  

Demo: song


Lyrics: Dorit Weintal.

Composition: Simone Giacomini. Singer: Cristina Grifone.




This body has left

its coat
its skin
its mischievous


behind lies

an old entity


the residue of this body

a disturbing insistence

a primal

for life
for the fear
for the exuberance

that cannot be



a shed skin
much longer than the snake that sheds it

a shed skin
of a snake
that turns bluish just before it sheds and

its eyes opaque, blocking the view
I see myself
I see myself
a primal
for life
for the fear
for the exuberance
that cannot be





In the dance/music theater performance ZOMER, Dorit questions our notion of certainties:


'What is that space/state of in-betweenness?'


The performance is inspired by the impact of the pandemic on our lives right now.

In a state of unease the dancers, the singer and the musician enter unknown territory and find themselves in a delicate balance with the permanent risk of failure.


The principles of the Baroque (dance and music) form an important starting point to express the transience of the senses and the chaos of fragmentation


The music, based on "The Four Seasons" by Antonio Vivaldi, is newly composed for this production by Simone Giacomini, incorporating influences from the Middle East, early polyphonic choral music, electronic music, Spoken Word and elements from opera.




Zomer is a research performance for her new production In-Betweenness, that will be created in 2023.



Concept, directing, choreography, lyrics: Dorit Weintal

Composition and live music: Simone Giacomini

Singer: Cristina Grifone

Dancers: Maria Mavridou, Maria Vincentelli

Light technician: Plein Theater


Supported by: Stadsdeel Oost

Co-production: Dorit Weintal & Faido Company, Plein Theater

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