January 2007 Caroline Smart. Artsmart Review, Musho Festival; “...It is, as the publicity continues, ‘physical theatre at it’s most innovative’… Their performances are brilliant"... Themi Venturas, The Catalina Theatre, Musho Festival “...The show washes over you in waves of interesting sensorial moments…I felt myself overwhelmed by accurate reflections of the desperation of modern society which at present is supposedly being hijacked by world terror. The two performers relentlessly take us through moments of compassion and vision, desperation and violence, control and freedom, helplessness and action, and a variety of other interesting juxtapositions that come at you in waves of fun and sensoral pleasure.”
January 2009 Shika - Artsmart, Musho festival Sounds From Here, is an emotionally stimulating piece... providing the audience with a chance to view a piece of work that is true to the postmodern eccentricities of our age… “ Dawn Haynes, Durban “...This was strong dance theatre, superbly performed by the agile and intense young performer...” Sharon Emmerich, Musho festival “...I was struck not only by her physical capability, but also by her wonderfully expressive face and at times, manic eyes." Claire Newton, Musho festival “Sounds from here deals with the complex life of a Palestinian woman - played out through intense physical theatre…top marks must go to Jahshan for her brilliant performance.”
January 2009 Charlotte Fairfax, ArtSmart, Durban “A visually intriguing, physically compelling, solo piece from Dorit Weintal - The Dam Company in Holland - the diminutive pixie-like Dorit Weintal returns to the festival for the second year with an intriguing piece of dance theatre… Weintal is astonishing and intriguing – an unconventional beauty who morphs from pre-adolescent innocence to tired, world-weary wisdom. Her physicality, grace and movement is infinitely watchable…”. Ailsa Windsor, Musho Festival …”Dorit combines narration with dance which results in a powerfully moving piece. That she is socially conscious comes across strongly taking into consideration the roles played by women from giving birth to being involved in the disastrous consequences of war and its devastating carnage; the narrow mindedness of people and the necessity of nourishment...”